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International organizations reference![]() The World Bank declared Azerbaijan the most reformist country in 2008. So, the mentioned State Program has achieved the aim assigned, i.e. ensuring the balance of the economic development from a regional standpoint, enhancing social welfare and standards of living in the regions, as well as successive and interactive implementation of events aimed at the dynamic development of state economy, especially non-oil sector. Human Development Report for 2010 of the UN Development Programme ranked Azerbaijan from “average human development” group to “high human development” group. Azerbaijan is considered to be the state that has made the fastest progress over the last 5 years among 169 state covered by the Report. Azerbaijan being rated at 105 in 2005 rose to 67 in 2010. As a result, Azerbaijan left “average human development” group of countries and joined to the category of countries with “high human development” such as Brasilia, Turkey and Malaysia. The Human Development Index of Azerbaijan from 1995 to 2010 rose to 27 % reaching up to 0,713 from 0,563. During this period the estimated duration of life for a man born in Azerbaijan rose to 5 years, estimated academic years –3 years and national income per person – 338%. World Economic Forum – Azerbaijan is ranked 1 for the development of information and communication technology among CIS countries. Standard and Poors International Rating Agency – advanced from “Stable” to “Positive” in credit rating. Moody\'s International Rating Agency – the Rating prognoses for Azerbaijan advanced from “Stable” to “Positive”. Fitch Ratings International Rating Agency –for the first time Azerbaijan was granted an international rating of an investment type. Nowadays Fitch Ratings International Rating Agency confirmed the long-term rating for local and foreign currency at BBB level and the prognoses – at “Positive” level. Doing Business Report – Azerbaijan was declared the most reformist country for the improvement of business environment in the Doing Business 2009 Report and kept this positions in the Reports of Doing Business 2010 and Doing Business 2011. Azerbaijan was ranked 54 among 183 states in Doing Business 2011 Report. The Report stated that Azerbaijan since 2006 had carried out an important reforms on business environment for 5 years and paid a special attention o the improvement of business environment.