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Ethnic anthropology![]() There are some thoughts about Kaspi anthropological type in the science, to which Azerbaijanis are related within great white race. One of the most notable anthropologists of the XX century Fischer included Azerbaijani Turks and Turkmens in 1923 to oriental race. But there are 4 different views in connection with this problem among anthropologists of former Soviet Union: 1. Yarkh, Roginski, Levin and Abdushelishvili have made efforts to make loser Kaspi type to anthropological types, to which northern India and middle Asian people belonged. 3. But in Cheboksarov’s racial classification Kaspi type has been included in races of Mediterranean and Balkan. 4. More inconsistent position in connection with problem belongs to V.V. Bunak. In 1951 assumedly taking into account the head parameters the scientist had included Kaspi type to small race of Mediterranean along with Pont type of Kaspi type. But in further researches Bunak made Kaspi type closer to Mavarannahar anthropological types as described by L.V. Oshanin and Pamir-Farqan type as described by Yarkho. It is possible to observe the same circumstances in the Caucasian territory. As a whole belonging of Caucasian peoples to different language families give the great importance to solution of exact ethnogenetic matters from the paleoanthropologic materials found from this territory. In 1939 finding of teeth remains of primate from Garayazy, lower jaw of archantrop from Azykh cave, bones of paleonthrop from Western Georgia, from Basin of Podkumok River near to Bestau (Pyatigorsk) had allowed to make a view that they belonged to antropogenesis zone of Caucasus. Finding of well preserved sculls from Dmanisi (Bashkechid) area of Georgia resided by Azerbaijanis, from the cave at bank of Khram river with age of 1 million 700 thousand years had not just proved the theory about Caucasus being the most ancient man dwelling area but at the same time had destroyed the evolutionist, atheist theories connected with creation of human being. Remains of human being related to Age of Mid Stone of Caucasus were found in Gobustan. Bones of 11 men found from shallow hole of «Firuz» camp were preserved badly. 7 of found sculls were of male ad 3 of female and 1 of child. Only two of these sculls were in condition of measuring. Called conditionally as No 3 1st scull was dolychokran for structure. 2nd scull known as No 5 was partly different from first. As there were no other human remains found related to Mid Stone Age in the Caucasus so the first researcher of finding R.F. Gasimova could compare the Gobustan findings just with female scull found from Khotu cave related to Mazandaran culture and it was informed that both sculls were dolichokran. Study of Gobustan and Khotu sculls, as well as its comparision allows to say that the physical structure of people of Stone Age of “Kaniza” cave of Gobustan and population of present Armenia and South Azerbaijan were dolychrokran. In identification of morphologic structure of population of copper-stone (Neolith) Age of Caucasus the sculls found from Kultapə (Azerbaijan Republic), Samtavro (present Georgian Republic), Şengavit and Jararat (present Armenian Republic), Chimkend (present Daghestan Republic) are of great importance. Longheadness of scull found from Kultapa (dolichokran) and thin facedness can be considered as ancient form of Kaspi (Khazar) type. The similar structured paleoantropologic findings are met in Al – Ubeyd ( Iraq) and Sialk (South Azerbaijani) cultures. V.V.Bunak studying the Chimkend sculls related them to Kaspi (Khazar) type for morphologic signs and came to conclusion that the anthropologic types of the Northern Caucasus as a whole are formed based on three elements. Two of them are dolichokran (longheaded) and another brachykran (flat headed). V.V.Bunak informs that one of dolichokran elements was spread in the Northern Caucasus since stone (Neolith) age and belonged to Pont type, and another one had relations to Kaspi (Khazar) type. According to V.V.Bunak brachykran (flat headed) element is related mostly to ancient population of Eurasian steppes. Paleoantropologic materials related to Early Iron Age have been found out in Mingachevir (the Azerbaijan Republic), Samakaberd and Noraduz (territory of present Armenia republic). In Mingachevir graves the dead were buried in kinds: folded (X- VIII centuries BC) and lengthened (VI- V centuries BC). The skulls were long headed and thin faced. Skulls of Samakaberd and Noraduz correspond to Kaspi type with longheaded and mid height sizes. R.M. Gasımova noted that this series are transition form among sculls from Sialk in South Azerbaijan (IV millennium BC) to sculls in Mingachevir (VII- V centuries ) and V.P. Alexeyev noted that they were heirs of sculls in Lchashen and Sevan (Goycha). Skulls, found in present Armenian territory related to Early Iron Age, as well as the paleoantropologic materials found out from the territory of Kuban may be considered as analogue of the Kaspi type for its parameters. Thus basing on paleoantroplogic findings got from the territory of Azerbaijan and present Armenia, as well as present Eastern Georgia during late bronze and early iron it is possible to observe the separation of this type Kavkasion and Front Asia types at result of transformation and domination of population of Kaspi type in Southern Caucasus. Paleoantropologic findings got from South of the Caucasus and from North prove once again that belonging of Kaspi (Khazar, more truly Oghuz- as this type relates to originally two brother nations of Oghuz, that is Azerbaijanis and Turkmens) in view of the most ancient population of this region had long head, sharp thin nose, thin face and etc morphologic signs and that Azerbaijani Turks were first inhabitants of the Caucasian region. Ancient authors wrote that budins ( budun in ancient Turkic language meant tribe)living in the area stretching from Upper Don to Middle stream of Volga (Idil) River (Herodotus noted that tribe with this name lived in Azerbaijan) were of “blue eyed, blonde haired” Such kind of information allow to identify the anthropological types till the Greta migration of nations by enriching the paleoantropologic knowledge. During the Great migration of people differences in the anthropological types of the separate peoples are visible in the more salient form. The names of Turkic tribes making ‘leading’ to these migrations enter the vocabulary of the European languages. For instance, the hun word became the great, in German, Czech and Slovak languages and avar ethnonym in the form of obr gives the meaning of hero in the languages of the Karpat Slavs and Hungarians. From this viewpoint at result of researches carried out by T.A.Tot and B.V.Firshtein draws the attention: there is no mongoloid mix in Hun and avars‘ main mass actually. The eastern Turks - tsze living in neighborhood with China differed from Chinese of mongoloid race with such features of upright noses, thick beards, eye types and long heights . There is no doubt on belonging of Turkic peoples making the majority of Europoids in the Middle Ages to Europoid race of Turkic peoples.