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» Carpet schools
» Guba school
Guba schoolGuba carpet making center, located in the north-east of Azerbaijan is divided into three parts: upland, foothills and lowland. Upland part includes Gonaqkend, Buduq, Qyryz, Jek, Salmansoyud villages etc. Carpet manufacturing in foothill area is concentrated in Amirkhanlı, Khalfalar, Shahnazarli, Pirabadil, Khırdagul-Chich, Sırt-chichi, Dara-chichi etc villages. And in lowland zone it is concentrated in villages of Shabran lowland zone Chay Qaragashly, Haji Qaragashly, Susanli, Qaragashly, Devechi, Mollakamalli etc. This school includes carpets woven in Derdend area, too. The brightest compositions of the Guba carpets are Qadim-Minara, Qımıl, Alpan, Qollu-chichi, Pirabadil, Hajıqayıb, Qyryz, Jek, etc. ![]()