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» Gizllagaj State Nature Reserve
Gizllagaj State Nature Reserve![]() Gizilagaj State Natural Reserve was established on July 03, 1929 on the initiative of the Committee on Preservation of Ancient and Art Monuments. Gizilagaj State Natural Reserve is the first for its area and the third by date of creation. The main purpose in establishment of the reserve was the study of the complex nature of the reserve area, flora and fauna of area and its protection and creation of favorable conditions for reproduction. In Gizilagaj State Nature Reserve, every spring various birds like yellow and white heron, pelicans, etc. fly here from eastern countries. The partridge, sultan hen, flamingo, little bustard, river ducks, swans, etc. inhabit in this area. Various frogs of amphibians live in State Natural Reserve. From reptiles Caspian and swamp turtles, striped lizard, grass snakes, adder, etc. are found. Here, many kinds of mammals are also found. Wolves, foxes, jackals, wild boar, beaver, wild cat, badger, long-tailed agdis, Caucasus hedgehog, Transcaucasian rabbit and etc species are spread. Caspian seal inhabits in the Big Gizliagaj Bay.