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Curses and cheers


Man has always been compelled to meet with Good and Evil in conscious activity. But with appearance of conceptions Good and Evil the conceptions of applauding of Good and cursing of Evil were also formed. Meaning of the appraisal understood in the meaning of to wish, to approve has been connected with word appraising- god, red word. Contrary of the Good is 
Evil. A man applauding the Good has created Curse by condemning Evil. 
Applause curses living in people are grouped as following:
1. Applause arising connected with ceremony and curses
2. Applause arising connected with way of life and curses
3. Applause arising with influence of the mythological and religious ideas and curses

Applause arising connected with ceremony and curses
These applauses and curses are connected with ceremony rituals and they have spread among people widely: Bəylik hamamına gedəsən (let you go to bath of bridegroom), Toy şirnini yeyim (let me to eat marriage sweets), Gəlinlik lampanı yandırım (let me turn on bride torch); Boyuna qəmiş ölçüm ( let me to measure dress on your height), Adın daşlara yazılsın(let your name fixed on mountains ), Adını adlara qoyum ( let me to give your name to others )etc.

Applause arising connected with way of life and curses
This type applauses and curses have spread widely, too and it distinguished with character of way of life: Evin abad olsun (let your home be prosperous), Duz-çörəkli olasan (be with bread and salt (wealthy), Süfrən açıq olsun (let your diner table be always full); Evin yıxılsın(damn your home), Ocağın sönsün(let your fire of home be vanished), Yurduna süpürgə çəkilsin(let your country be swept) etc.

Applause arising with influence of the mythological and religious ideas and curses
While a man perceived a life he had made a fetish of separate forces, images, made  a trust on them, an later then the system of faiths and beliefs had been reflected in applauses and curses: Şərdən usaq olasan (be away from evil), Bəxt ulduzun sayalı olsun (let you destiny star be shining ), Ocağın sönməz olsun(let your fire of home never exhausted), Həzrət Abbas köməyin olsun(let hazrat Abbas be helpful you); Ulduzun axıb gedən olsun (Let your starts disappeared), Qapında bayquş ulasın (let owl howled at your home gate), Səni tapşırıram Həzrət Abbasa (I leave you to Hazrat Abbas).

Oxunub: 36042