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» State universities
State universitiesBaku State University
![]() Address: Baku, 33 str, Z.Khalilov
Telephone :(+994 012) 439-08-58
Fax: (+994 012s) 598-33-76
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
![]() In 1920 Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, the first technical higher school in oil area in the Europe and Asia was established. Since then till date Azerbaijan State Oil Academy had taken special place in enriching Azerbaijan of with scientific and technical thoughts. And it has also a big role in giving a higher education to the citizens of former Soviet Union and foreign countries.
Address: Baku, 20 Azadliq ave
Fax: (+994 012) 498-29-41
Azerbaijan Medical University
![]() It had been set by decision No 287/99 of Peoples’ Commissars’ Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR dated June 19, 1930 related to making a separate medical institute on the basis of 2 faculties of Baku State University, treatment-prophylaxis and sanitary-hygienic. Well-known public figure and people medicine commissar M.Qadirli was the first rector of the Medical Institute (1930).
Address: Baku, 23 str Bakıkhanov
Telephone: (+994 012) 495-35-66
Fax: (+994 012) 495-38-70
Azerbaijan Technical University
![]() It functions since 1950. Presently high-level specialists on 70 specialties and scientific cadres are prepared in 26 directions covering different areas of the science and engineering in the university.
Address: Baku. 25 ave H. Javid
Telephone: (+994 012) 438-33-43
Fax: (+994 012) 438-32-80
Azerbaijan State Economic University
![]() While liquidating Azerbaijan State University in 1930 various higher schools were set on basis of its faculties in 1930. And on the basis of Economics Faculty the Trade and Cooperative Institute was formed. So, primary base of the present Azerbaijan State Economic University had been put by decision of Council of Azerbaijan Peoples Commissars dated June 19, 1930.
Address: Baku str, Istiqlaliyyat str 6
Telephone: (+994 012) 492-60-43
Fax: (+994 012) 492-59-40
Derbend branch of the Azerbaijan State Economical University
Address: Derbend city of Russian Federation, str S.Stalski 26
Telephone: (+787 240) 2-78-15
Fax: (+787 240) 2-78-15
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
![]() University has been created in the 1921. Its first graduation was in 1923-24 academic year. Over 100 thousand high educated cadres were prepared by the University. Presently there are 10 faculties and 55 chairs preparing teacher and educator cadres in the university
Address: Baku, 34 str. U.Hajibayov
Telefon: (+994 012) 598-37-71 Fax: (+994 012) 493-00-26 Http://www.aspu.az
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
![]() Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University previously was functioned as a Construction faculty of Baku Polytechnic Institute since 1920, then as independent Construction and Architecture Institute during 1930-1934, as Azerbaijan Industrial Institute since 1934, as few faculties in the structure of Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute since 1951 in the form, of construction & architecture specialization. Since 1975 by decision of Cabinet of Ministries of Azerbaijan Republic Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute was established. In 1992 the Institute turned to University. Azerbaijan of Architecture and Construction University is the first and only higher education institution in Transcauscasia in the sphere of construction.
Address: Baku, 5 str, A.Sultanova
Telephone: (+994 012) 438-30-01
Fax: (+994 012) 498-78-36
E-mail: [email protected]
Baku Slavic University
![]() Baku Slavic University has been created by Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic dated June 13, 2000 in the base of the Azerbaijan State Russian Language and Literature Pedagogical Institute named after M.F.Akhundov.
Address: Baku, 25 str S.Rustam 25
Telephone: (+994 012) 440-27-70
Fax: (+994 012) 440-27-70
Azerbaijan University of Languages
![]() Since 1972 it functions independently as Azerbaijan State Pedagogic languages Institute named after 50th anniversary of the USSR. Before that Institute of Languages has carried out activity together with Russian language and literature institute as unique higher school. About 600 teacher including 37 professors, 157 assistant professors, 211 head teachers, 157 teachers are engaged in education of the students.
Address: Baku, str.60 R.Behbudov
Telephone: (+994 012) 440-35-05
Fax: (+994 012) 440-85-46
Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical training and Sport
![]() Its base has been put in the 1930. First time 39 persons of physical training and sport specialists had graduated from the school. At earlier years 11 chairs were established in the Institute. Education was carried out in Azerbaijan, Russian, Georgian and Armenian languages, and initially there was 3-years and 4-years study. Since 1936 this higher school had continued it activities as Physical Culture Institute in the Transcaucasia. During this period chairs of social sciences, technique and methods of the anatomy, biology, chemistry, hygiene, physics, physiology, mathematics, physical training were opened in the institute.
Address: Baku, 98 ave Fatalikhan Khoisky
Telephone: (+994 012) 564-47-31
Fax: (+994 012) 493-86-17
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
![]() It is only establishment of higher education, which provide state agrarian sector of Azerbaijan with high qualified agriculture specialists. In 1920 it was an independent agriculture faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute and tuned to Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute.
Address: Ganja city, 262 ave Ataturk
Telephone: (+994 022) 56-57-33;
(+994 022) 52-34-94
Fax: (+994 022) 56-03-53
Baku Music Academy
![]() History of Baku Music Academy starts with Music College (former music college named after A. Zeynally).Though the foundation of present building of Baku Music Academy was laid in 1885 (M. Ibrahimov str 8) but it started to act as first musical school since 1895. The base of musical school was laid by graduate of Moscow conservatory Antonina Nikolayevna Yermolayeva.
Address: Baku, 98 str Sh.Badalbayli
Telephone: (+994 012) 493-22-48;
(+994 012) 493-19-28
Fax: (+994 012) 493-77-96
Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art
![]() University had been created at base of Baku theatre technical school in 1945. It had functioned under the name of Theater Institute. The first student admission has been carried out on specialties of art of theatre science, actor and the profession of a producer. Name of People\'s artist Mirzaga Aliyev had been given to the institute in 1954. Since 1959 it has begun to prepare specialists on “Culture and enlightenment”, in 1963 Decorative applied art. In 1968 higher school had been turned to the Azerbaijan State Art Institute. During 1981-91 years new specialties like painting, drawing, sculpture, study of art, as well as theatre, cinema, cultural studies and art industry had been opened.
Address: Baku, 9 ave Inshaatchilar
Telephone: (+994 012) 439-07-78;
(+994 012) 439-76-06
Fax: (+994 012) 438-93-48
State academy of governance under President of Azerbaijan Republic
![]() It had been created by Decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic No 60 dated Jan 3, 1999. Academy carries out scientific investigations in the fields of state governance and state cadre policy and at the same time implements provision of analytical information to the organs of state authority on problems of state governance.
Address: Baku, 74 str Lermontov
Telephone: (+994 012) 492-65-29
Fax: (+994 012) 492-65-15
Azerbaijan State Marine Academy
Preparation of seaman had begun in Azerbaijan since November of 1881. Mechanics course (school of ship mechanical engineers later on) had been opened in the 1896 under navigation classes. Majority of Azerbaijani seamen had received education in these classes.
In July 1, 1902 Baku three-years school of far journeys was set up on base of Baku Marine classes and preparatory training courses were organized in the school.
But in Oct 1, 1921 evening department was created in Baku water transport technical school and full time department was created with leaving production.
Address: Baku, 18 ave Azerbaijan
Telephone: (+994 012) 493-09-63;
(+994 012) 493-09-19
Fax: (+994 012) 493-75-21
National Aviation Academy
![]() National Aviation Academy of the Azerbaijan Air Lines State concern has been created by Decision No 337 of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated June 15, 1992 with name of The National Aviation Center and then turned to National Aviation Academy by Decision No 81 of Cabinet of Ministers dated February 24, 1994. Academy has been honored with certificate of Civil Aviation Higher Education Enterprise” in 1999 by decision of the International Aviation Committee.
Address: Baku, Bina sett. Avia city
Telephone: (+994 012) 497-28-29;
(+994 012) 497-28-42
Fax: (+994 012) 497-28-38
Sumgayit State University
![]() It functions since 1961 by Decree of President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated June 13, 2000. It was created on the base of Azerbaijan Industrial Institute.
There are 7 faculties in University like “Mathematics’, “Physic and electro energy”, “Chemistry”, “Economy and management” ,”History’ and “Philology’, with 4000 students studying in 21 directions.
Address: Sumgayit city, 43rd quarter
Telephone: (+994 018) 642-16-20
Fax: (+994 018) 642-02-70
Lenkaran State University
![]() It began function as branch of Baku State University basing on Decision No 319 of Republican Cabinet of Ministers dated Sep 25, 1991, and by Decision No 403 of Cabinet of Ministries dated July 23, 1992 it turned to independent university (LSU).
There are 4 faculties in the university: The humanities, nature, Economy and Pedagogical Faculties. Department of the magistrates has been created in the university during 1997-98 academic years.
Address: Lankaran city, general Aslanov ave 50,
Telephone: (+994 0171) 5-38-52;
(+994 0171s) 5-25-88
Fax: (+994 0171) 5-27-86
Ganja State University
![]() It has begun activities in the 1939 as two-year teachers institute giving incomplete higher education. Institute has been created for training of teacher cadres for western zone of Azerbaijan. Since 1943 Institute had been turned to the establishment of giving complete higher education and name of the Hasanbey Zardabi had been given to it. Teacher cadres on 21 specialties are prepared in 7 faculties of the institute at present.
Address: Ganja city, Shah Ismayil Khatai ave 187
Telephone: (+994 022) 56-73-10
Fax: (+994 022) 56-19-63
Azerbaijan Technology University
![]() In connection with fulfillment of Decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic “On improvement of education system in Azerbaijan Republic dated 13.06.200 by Order No 691 of Education Minister of Azerbaijan Republic dated 11/07/2000 the profile of Azerbaijan Technology Institute was expanded and Azerbaijan Technology University was created.
Address: Ganja city, Heydar Aliyev ave 103
Telephone: (+994 022) 57-26-60
Fax: (+994 022) 57-29-61
Mingachevir Polytechnic Institute
![]() Institute has begun activity as branch of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Institute (present-day Azerbaijan State Oil Academy) in 1991. Getting independent higher education status since 1992 it was named to Mingachevir Polytechnicl Institute.
Address: Mingachevir city, 21 str D.Aliyeva
Telephone: (+994 0147) 5-32-72
Fax: (+994 0147) 5-35-97
Nakhchivan State University
![]() It is the only State University carrying out activity in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Nakhchivan State University has been created in 1967, it became Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute, but later to independent higher school in five year. It is successor of Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute.
Address: Nakhchivan city, university campus
Telephone: (+994 0136) 45-23-66;
(+994 0136) 45-39-29
Fax: (+994 0136) 45-72-88
Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts
Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts has been created by the decree of the Republic President in 2002. 4 years have been intended for bachelor preparation and 2 years for magistrate degree in the academy.
Address: Baku, Heydar Aliyev ave 58
Telephone: (+994 012) 566-98-34;
(+994 012) 566-93-69
Fax: (+994 012) 566-56-37
Azerbaijan National Conservatory
![]() Azerbaijan National Conservatory is one of higher music education schools. Higher music-school was set by Decree of President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated June 13, 2000 On Founding of Azerbaijan National Conservatory. Basing on Resolution of President “On creation of material- technical base for Azerbaijan National Conservatory” dated August 10, 2001 Baku Music College and Republican Art Gymnasium were also included in structure of Azerbaijan National Conservatory.
Address: Baku, Mirza Ibrahimov str 8
Telephone: (+994 012) 510-53-28;
(+994 012) 430-58-68;
Fax: (+994 012) 497-04-95
E: Music(al) [email protected]
Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
![]() The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic has been created by the decree of President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated Dec 15, 2006.
Address: Baku., Shamil Azizbayov str 88
Telephone: (+994 012) 437-32-35
Fax: (+994 012) 437-32-36
Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute
![]() Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute has been created on the base of Azerbaijan Pedagogical Cadres Improvement and retraining Main Institute for purposes of preparation of pedagogic cadres for preschool education enterprises and primary classes of schools, as well as increasing of skills of teachers, improvement and retraining basing on Decree of President of the Azerbaijan Republic No 349, dated June 13, 2000. Present Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute, which began its activities since 1929 with improvement of professional skill and retraining of pedagogical cadres now it turned for center of preparation of specialists on different directions, bachelor, the magistrates, post graduate course and doctorate
Address: Baku, Koroglu Rahimov str. The 874th quarter
Telephone: (+994 012) 465-66-93;
(+994 012) 564-08-95
Fax: (+994 012s) 564-80-47
Sumgayit branch
Address: Sumgayt, 16th quarter 38a
Telephone: +994 018) 645-27-78
Aghjabadi branch
Address: Aghjabadi, M.E.Rasulzade ave.210
Telephone: (+994 0113) 5-51-44
Shaki branch
Address: The Sheki town
Telephone: (+994 0177) 6-02-18
Jalilabad branch
Address: Jalilabad city
Telephone: (+994 0114) 5-51-72
Guba branch
Address: Guba, Fatalikhan str.4
Telephone: (+994 0169) 5-20-86
Zagatala branch
Address: Zagatala., M.Azizbeyov str.4
Telephone: (+994 0174) 5-21-57
Kazakh branch
Address: Kazakh, M A.Sabir str.150
Telephone: (+994 0279) 5-17-62
Mingachevir branch
Address: Mingachevir., M.E.Rasulzade ave.55/18
Telephone: (+994 0147) 5-53-54
Ganja branch
Address: Ganja city, Khatai ave.56
Telephone: (+994 022) 56-78-14
Salyan branch
Address: Salyan town
Telephone: (+994 0163) 5-50-53
Shamakhy branch
Address: Shamakhy region, Shahriyar sett. Azadliq str.1
Telephone: (+994 0176) 5-11-39
Nakhchivan Teachers institute
Address: Nakhchivan city, Haydar Aliyev avenue
Telephone: (+994 0136) 45-32-02
Fax: (+994 0136) 45-46-76
Azerbaijan Tourism Institute
It is the university preparing cadres in Azerbaijan for tourism area. It has been founded with Resolution No 972 of President of Azerbaijan Republic dated August 25, 2005 and decision No 45 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated Feb 13, 2006. By order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated July 5, 200 Jafar Mammad oglu Jafarav was appointed as rector of the institute. Azerbaijan Tourism Institute was set under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic according to state education system.
Address: Baku city, str Koroglu Rahimov 822/23
Telephone: (+994 012) 564-42-33;
(+994 012) 564-54-11
Fax: (+994 012) 564-42-34
Baku branch of the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov
Address: Baku city, str 14 Firudin Aghayev
Telephone: (+994 012) 510-92-02;
(+994 012s) 510-96-08