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Azerbaijani eposes


Epos is one of the biggest and the most ancient examples of the art of thinking of the Azerbaijan Turks. Epos in reality has been a product of creative work of ashug-ozan, is appearance of the epic thought of the Turkish people and it is the basic factor connecting the creative work ashugs with folklore. Lyrical presentation makes a unity with by epic tahkiya, prose in eposes. Namely, therefore epos is not just considered as epic, but epical-lyric genre. 

Eposes are divided into two types according to general theme:
1.Eposes of heroism (alpliq)

It is talked in heroism eposes about heroes fighting for freedom of the country, people. Kitabi Dada Qorqud, Koroglu, Qachaq Nabi, Qaçaq Karam, Sattarkhan etc. They are heroism eposes.

2.Love eposes
Love eposes are built on love adventure of the heroes. Eposes like “Asli and Karam, Tahir and Zohra, Abbas and Gulgaz, Shah İsmayıl etc. are most beautiful examples of love eposes. 
It is necessary to note that motives of one type of epos can be given in other epos. For example, if epos of Shah İsmayıl is a love epos, but there are enough motives of heroisms here. Or enough motives of loves are observed in the Koroglu epos. 
Type of both eposes is in Azerbaijan epos art is formed on the basis of specific composition. So, differently from heroism eposes, love eposes, as a rule, have begun with three masterpieces in literatures, finish with duvaqqapma. End of the epos of love ends not with duvaqqapma, but with fjahanname. As at the beginning of the tales, aravalli is used at the beginning of the eposes.

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