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The Ministry Of Transport Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan


Ministry of Transport is the central executive authority forming and carrying out unified state policy in the fields of railways, marine, motorways and civil aviation sectors, regulating inter-field relations.
Regulations of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan were approved by Decree No. 880 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 10, 2003, and ministry began its function.
Ministry of Transport deals in realization of economic, investment, tariff policy in the field of transport and development and implementation of different types of programs. The Ministry fulfills the duties meeting the needs of the defense ministries of the state, cargo transportation and forecasting of needs in other services, definition and improvement of norms of transport structures, different types of transport, strengthening and development of useful collaboration in transportation field with foreign countries.
The Ministry of Transport provides  implementation of  social and economic priorities of the state in the development of transport system,  provides the development of transport in  different regions, by liquidating non-equality of citizens in all sectors, as well as citizens living in remote areas in respect of provision with transport, increasing of the quality of transport services, reducing the negative impact of transportation, transport to the population and the environment the preparation of specialists for transport complex.
The ministry besides using the advantages of increased the number of motor vehicles in the country; it carries out systematic actions directed at limitation of the negative consequences of society. The Ministry ensures the integration of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the world economy and the expansion of foreign trade, according to reconstruction of its transport infrastructure, making full use of existing potential of Azerbaijan as a transit country, the development of export of transport services and increases the competitiveness of the country forwarders.

Address: Azerbaijan, AZ 1122 Baku, Tbilisi  ave. 1054
Ph: (+994 12) 4309941
Fax: (+994 12) 4309942
E-mail: office@mintrans.az 

Oxunub: 30557