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Cultural and historical monuments![]() Historical monuments of Nakhichevan With a rich historical monuments Nakhichevan (Gamigaya, Farhad house, Ajhabi-Kahf, Yusuf ibn Kuseyr’s tomb, Momina Khatun’s Tomb, Tomb of the Gulistan, Khanagah Tomb, Qazanchi bridge, Nakhchivan Juma Mosque, Qesariyya, Eastern bath, Nakhchivan ice-house, etc.) is the most ancient Turkish lands. It is located in Ordubad region, in the north-east of Tivi and Nasirvaz villages, in waterline of Zangezur Mountain and its height is 3725 meters. A mountain with steep, conical shape was formed of ancient volcanic rocks. Being considered as one of the sacred pantheons of the ancient world with its magnificent, fantastic view surprises the people. There are about thousands rock art of 3-1 millennium of BC - pictograms (ancient texts). Farhad House Ashabi-Kahf Ashabi-kahf is a sanctuary located in natural cave between Ilandag and Nahajir mountains, approximately 12 km away from the city of Nakhchivan in Arabic language means cave people. There is information in the ancient religious literature, as well in Koran about the same place on the territory of Asia Minor and Palestine. According to legend reflected in Kahf \'(Cave) sura of Koran the young people believed in God in order to get rid of pursuits hidden in the cave with a dog. Allah made them slept and awakened after few hundred years but the new world was alien to them, so young people again went on eternal dream. The legend spread in Nakhichevan is of approximately the same content. Tomb of Yusuf ibn Kuseyr It is one of the most ancient architectural monuments of the city of Nakhchivan. People also call it as Atababa tomb. The inscription on tomb says that it was built in 1162 by architect Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani and the name of the person buried there (Yusuf ibn Kuseyr) is shown, too. In frame of the body of the monument verses from Koran were written in Kufic. As per composition, tectonic vividness, proportions, the level of the engineering structure this tomb is an example of the high art of architecture. The grandiose monument of national architecture of Azerbaijan, one of the pearls of Oriental architecture Momuna Khatun tomb was built in 1186 in the western part of the Nakhichevan city (the son of architect Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani). The founder of the Azerbaijani Atabek state Shamsaddin Eldaniz decided to build the mausoleum on the grave of his wife Momina Khatun, and its construction had been completed by his son Muhammed Jahan Pahlavan in 582 of Muharram of Hijri (April, 1186). It fixed in the memory of people as Atabay dome. These words were engraved with Kufic on head arch of the monument. We go but life remains. We die, but the art work remains in the memory. The monument, along with the richness of magnificent architecture shows ancient history, the great statehood, high-level culture, great architecture school of Azerbaijan. Gulistan Tomb The Gulistan Tomb belonging to medieval Azerbaijani architecture is near the village of Gulistan of Julfa region. Built in XIII century under the influence of Momina Khatun tomb Gulistan tomb relates to tower-shaped tombs of Azerbaijan. Unlike other tombs, vault of Gulistan tomb is located on the surface. Khanagah Tomb Khanagah Tomb related to Middle Ages and located in Khanagah village of Julfa region at banks of Alinja River in the center of Khanagah residence. Alinjachay khanagah included in the architectural complex. Stone plate felt from gate place of tomb building is kept in Khanagah mosque. Here is the tomb of the famous thinker and poet Fazlullah Naimi. Qazanchi Bridge It is historical architectural monument in the village of Qazanchi of Julfa region. As per construction techniques ii is related to XV-XVI centuries. This monument with one span, called as “humpbacked bridge by people remained relatively well, but unfit for transportation. Nakhchivan Juma Mosque This architectural monument belonging to the Middle Ages was one of the monumental building of Atabeks architectural complex created by Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani. Till Nineteenth century it was protected in destroyed condition. Its name is mentioned in work “Ajaib-ad-dunaya” written by an anonymous author in 20-ies of the XIII century. Qeysariyya Azerbaijani architectural monument of XVII century is the city of Ordubad. It consists of eight small dooms and one big doom adjacent to it. It was built in beautiful architectural style. For the first time, it was intended as an indoor shopping center. Later, it was known as Zorkhana due to being a place of wrestling of wrestlers. Oriental steam bath Architectural monument of XVII century is located in Nakhichevan city, at Azadliq Avenue, in front of Tabriz Hotel. Once it was built near the Bazar River flowing through the city. The building built in Eastern baths style consists of entrance, service hall, pool beach, treasure (water tank) and is fire place. Nakhchivan ice-house It is one of the largest ice-house in the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is located in Nakhchivan city, near the Imamzadeh complex. The high architecture solution of Nakhchivan ice house shows that this monument has been built during the period of development (12-14th centuries) of Nakhichevan architecture school.