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Center for Strategic Studies



Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established based on Order dated November 12, 2007  with purposes to provide the coordination of strategic research activities and scientific-analytical and information support of the supreme bodies of state power. 
In addition, the Center manages the implementation of activities like conduction in country  state important strategic researches, forecasting on improving  the governing process,  analysis of the socio-political situation in society, conduction of social surveys and  the coordination of strategic studies by the relevant authorities of the republic, as well as implementation of  large-scale programs based on reliable scientific  concept  for  delivery of the  Azerbaijani realities  to the international community  in information confrontation connected with Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, preparing different programs, concepts, doctrines in accordance with the requirements of the public interest, national security of Azerbaijan.

The main mission of the Center
To monitor the events occurring in Azerbaijan and in the region of its location, to analysis them, as well as basing on investigations or orders issued to provide the state authorities and country leadership advices and recommendations are center\'s main mission.
Center for Strategic Studies of Azerbaijan is guided on its activity  by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties joined by  the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic, and  own Charter.

Address: Azerbaijan, Baku. AZ 1005, M. Ibrahimov str 8
Phone: (+994 12) 596 82 39
Fax: (+994 12) 437 34 58
 E-mail: info@sam.gov.az
Web site: www.sam.gov.az

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