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Detailed information about all Azerbaijanis having popularity in decorative painting and calligraphy was not preserved. For example, in the nineteenth century Mirza Jafar had popularity in Shamakhy, and Master Qurban Garabaghi in Shusha. But there is no detailed historical information about them. Brief information about some of well-known painters of the Middle Ages is follows:

Mohsen Mir Navvab
Mir Mohsen Navvab is known in the cultural history of Azerbaijan as a talented poet, music theorist and calligrapher had acted in the field of painting and calligraphy, too. Painting abilities of Mir Mohsun Navvab was expressed self in Timur\'s portrait (watercolor, 1902).

Safi ed-Din ibn Abdulmomin ibn Yusuf ibn Fakhir Urmavi
Being considered as popular musician and music theorist of the Eastern world Safi ed-Din ibn Abdulmomin ibn Yusuf ibn Fakhir Urmavi was born in 1216 in ancient cultural center - the city of Urmia. Later, he shifted to Baghdad then center of science and culture of the whole the Near and Middle East, and got education in University Mustansariyya which is considered as one of the best of that time. He became familiar with the basics of the philosophy, logic, medicine, mathematics, languages, astronomy. Safiadin who continues to learn the art of calligraphy gained great success in calligraphy, too. It is no coincidence that, firstly, he became famous not in the field of music, but as calligrapher and is invited to the palace of last representative of the dynasty of Abbasid Caliph al-Mustasim. Within very few time he became a close of the caliph and then was appointed as head of palace library and main calligrapher. Copying of books and work in library did not affect the continuation of musical education by Safiaddin.
Journals of Urmavi still exist as a unique scientific works and are kept in libraries of number of cities like New York, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Cairo, Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Tehran, Baku and other cities as precious manuscripts. After the death different legends about his wonderful playing, as well as calligraphy, painting skills and ability spread in the East. Urmavi died in 1924 in Baghdad

Kerbalayi Zeynalabdin Abu Said, son of Master Zeynal Naggash 
Kerbalayi Zeynalabdin Abu Said, son of Master Zeynal Naggash lived in 1829-1904. He was famous calligrapher, painter and poet and was known in folk as   painter of gold hands . And still paints and decoratives made by him in Khan Palace in  Nakhchivan,  Home museum of H.Z.Tagiyev in Baku (now the History Museum), Jami \'Mosques in Tabriz, Ordubad, home of Mashadi Tagı, some home sin Aylis, Vanand villages were preserved.  Ornament made by him in Ordubad city, Black holy site (pir) on the graveyard adjacent to mountain, at the end of the nineteenth century with the arrival of the Iranian Shah in Ordubad he had made ornaments on the back side of Jami\' mosque, using the egg yolks, lime and other materials and described coat of arms of “Sher-e-Khurshid and decorated it with fragments of glass in the center of in the form of sun symbol. These monumental works remain to this day. Also, his own poem was engraved on the wall of Jami Mosque.
Sometimes gatherings of literature community arranged in  Ordubad Anjumanu-shuara in 1838  used to held in home of Usta Zeynal Naqqash. There are valuable thoughts on Master Zeynal Naqqash  in “Tarjumeyi--halim” of Hugo of XX century M.S. Ordubadi,  kept in Azerbaijan State Manuscripts Fund.

Abbasgulu agha 
He was the well-known architect and painter of XVIII century. He participated in the designing of the Sheki Khan Palace. He created complex compositions on the ceiling of the great hall of the Palace and carried out the ornamental works. And he engraved his name in original form, not from right to left but from left to right, as it was reflected in the mirror

Mohammed Majid Tabrizi
He was author of alters in Yashli Mosque in Bursa (1424).

Ali ibn Haji Ahmad
He was a master of wood carving. He decorated the door in Yashli Mosque in Bursa.

Nematulla Bavvab ibn Muhammad
He was a well-known calligrapher and painter of his time. He worked on booklets of Blue Mosque in Tabriz (1465). 

Amirshah Valinankishi
He is an author of main arch of Eastern door of Shirvanshahs Palace (1584).

Ismail Naggash Ardabili
He worked the decoration of arch of door of Ali at Sheikh Safiaddin complex (1647).

Mirza Qadim Iravani
He was well known painter of the XIX century. He worked the wall paintings in the palace of Sardar (1850).

Oxunub: 162720